Saturday, November 25, 2006


The longest journey is the journey inward.
Dag Hammarskjold, Swedish diplomat (1905 - 1961)

I have recently signed up for a Yoga Teacher Training at the Yoga Studio. Officially I will start in January. So far I have committed to one year, but it is Iyengar Yoga and to obtain the official Iyengar Yoga Certificate, one has to be a yoga teacher trainee for 3 years and then go for assessment. The advantage of Iyengar yoga is that it is internationally recognized and it provides a system for ongoing learning.

My intention is to use this blog as my yoga journal. A blog is easy to use and I can check and update it from anywhere in the world - I love technology! I can keep track of my practice and progress. And last but not least, I can share information with other yoga enthusiasts.


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