Saturday, April 14, 2007

Leg Lifts

Variation of Malasana to relax the trapezius:
Squatting with your upper arms pressing down on to the knees/thighs. Elongates the trapezius down, away from the ears. Chest lifted.

Padanghustasana - looking up. Instead of thinking "looking up" Ingelise encouraged us to lengthen the throat, the seat of a vayu that is most often blocked.

Adho Mukkha Svanasana
Downward dog with blocks between the inner heels (the soft part of your inner heel, not the ankle)

Flow between Upward and Downward Dog with block between heels; can you roll your toes under in upward dog? Then do the same with block between knees

Downward Dog with block between lower arms

Chataranga with blocks between toes

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana Leg Lifts with block between heels

Jathara Parivartanasana - with block between heel; this teaches to extend through the inner heel and to keep the feet together - not an easy task!

  • with partner's foot on the opposite shoulder - helps to keep the shoulder down
  • with the thumb and one finger holding the ft of a chair, do this asana without pulling the chair - hard!

Variation of Jathara Parivartanasana - side leg lifts (if tired with bent legs) look up: the action is more in the lower back on the pelvic rim. Looking to the opposite side makes it rajasic in the chest area

Supta Virasana your buttocks on the bolster too, head on second bolster or block: strong stretch in the quads! keep top of shin bone down, knees moving towards each other; open chest. long front body, relaxed throat.

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