Sunday, January 28, 2007

Class on Jan 28

Tadasana with block between thighs - focusing on the inward rolling action of the upper thighs and the taking in of the tailbone
Also: lifting toes to really ground on all four corners of the foot at the same time
the bottom of the shoulders press into the body - lift the chest

Urdhva Hastasana
eyes of the elbows look towards each other - outer elbows to inner elbows

then with strap - just above the elbows to get a feeling of the elbow action

Tree Pose
right knee bent - knee towards the back - lift the pubis, tuck the tailbone, roll in thighs, compact the left hip, rotate navel slightly to the left

rolling in the thighs, tucking the tailbone - lift the chest.

Baddha Konasana against the wall

Janu Sirsasana - tail bone in - roll upper thighs back - press through the top of the heel

Setu Banda on a bolster and with a strap against the wall


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