Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Inversions and Twists Class

Baddha Hasta Sirsasana

Maha Mudra

Marichiasana III

Here is an intermediate sequence focusing on twists and inversions. I am still a beginner when it comes to the sanskrit terminology, therefore a mix of English and Sanskrit.

Downward Dog – head resting on a block (Note: move neck and shoulders away from the head)

Handstand – with strap on forearm below elbow
Forearm Stand (with block and strap against the wall)
Forearm Stand with palms facing up and sandbags on palms.
Sirsasana III (against the wall – hands clasp elbows – do both sides)

Gomukasana (hands only; then feet as well)
Marichiasana III (binding – both sides)
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Padmasana (Dandasana – left leg straight, right leg in Padmasana, right hand binds on the back clasps the shin of the right leg, left hand holds the left foot on the pinky side)

Maha Mudra

Salamba Sarvangasana
Sarvangasana (clasping hands – press down arms)
Sarvangasana (hands over head)
Sarvangasana (hands at your thighs)

Setu Bandasana


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