Saturday, May 24, 2008

Asanas for the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)

In her essay "Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life" by Marianne Woods Cirone (click on the picture above to read the entire essay), she lists some asanas that help to balance the chakras.

For me, it is the Solar Plexus, that needs a little stimulation. And to do so, she suggest abdominal strengthening poses like Navasana (boat) and Chataranga (plank). Oh no! Totally my best friends in the realm of asanas (I am being facetious)! Oh well, I will give it try - to get the yellow disc "Manipura" spinning.

Third Chakra (Manipura)
Phalakasana (plank), stomach crunches, belly rolls. To increase fire: risk-taking, eating hot foods, avoiding iced drinks. To decrease fire: limiting spicy foods and caffeine, taking time to relax and meditate.
To enhance the third chakra, abdominal-strengthening poses: surya namaskar (sun salutations), navasana (boat), virabhadrasana (warrior I, II & III), twists. To cool the chakra: restorative, passive backbends.
Kukkutasana (cock balance), viparitakaranichakrasananavasana (reverse, or legs up the wall), (wheel),
Affirmation: If I wish my consciousness to grow, I must feed it, rest it, exercise it.

"I free myself to the power of living my life to the fullest, feeling worthy of all that I receive."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Always Time for Creation

Today I experienced a special kind of guided meditation. Audrya took us on a journey with her didgeridoos - it was wonderful! Check out her website by clicking on the picture. I didn't know what kind of sounds can come out of a hollow piece of wood. But I guess, when you have your eyes closed and nothing else to do, you can discover a whole new world of sensations, vibrations and sounds from Audrya and the didgeridoo.

Monday, May 19, 2008

IYAC 2008 T-Shirt

Sthira Sukham Asanam
Yoga Sutra II.46

Asana is perfect firmness of the body,
Steadiness of intelligence and
benevolence of the spirit.

Great job in designing the T-Shirt, Sharoni!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Adho Mukha Virasana

Adho Mukha Virasana on a bolster

One of the great take aways from the weekend with Geeta: detailed instructions on how to open the armpit chest. I am not quite sure, if this term is known outside of the Iyengar yoga circle: it is the front area of the armpit and the side chest. The skin of this area moves upward towards the head. Here are the instructions:

Kneel on the floor, toes together, knees apart.
Extend the torso forward, extend the arms forward.

Rest the forehead on the bolster,
Roll the inner arms towards the ceiling,
Suck the flesh of the arms to the bone,
Move the elbows further away from the shoulders
Take the outer corners of the shoulder blade towards the spine
Move the shoulder blades towards the waist.

On the front body:
  • the skin of the abdomen moves towards the head,
  • the lower ribs expand towards the head,
  • the middle ribs move towards the floor,
  • the upper ribs and collar bones move towards the head.

The armpits move towards the floor.

Stay in this asana for a while, allow the spine to lengthen, adjust the elbows and move the bolster further away, if necessary. Take your time - focus on the breathing and allow the armpit and chest to open even more!

I think, slowly I am getting, what it means to open the armpit chest. Now I just have to keep doing it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

AGM IYAC Penticton 2008

I just got back from a wonderful trip to BC. It's amazing how a road trip through the beautiful Rockies and a 4-day yoga conference with the Iyengar Association of Canada and Geeta and Abi Iyengar can bring clarity and rest to the mind, fire and power to the body, and peace and awareness to the soul!

Geetaji came to Canada for an event put on by the ascent magazine in an ashram, but decided to stay for another week and share her knowledge and wisdom with the Iyengar Association of Canada.

Be certain that the posts to follow will be highly influenced by Geetaji's teachings, expect
  • some words on tapas - and I am not talking about the Spanish appetizer, but the sanskrit tapas - a burning which involves purification and self-discipline.
  • and surely something about shoulder and heart openers - my upper back has never felt like this before.

On the way to the Okanagan - at a lunch break stop at the Columbia River. Pilot Shelly was not just steering the Subaru perfectly, but was also sharing tales and stories of the area. After an 8 hr road trip and sharing a room, Shelly now knows more about me than she ever wanted to know ;). I on the other hand learned about the lake monster Ogopogo that lives in Lake Okanagan (imagine Nessie's cousin) from Shelly.

Trish celebrated her 55th birthday at the conference and Barbara picked out a wonderful cake made at the local bakery. Right on the first day, I learned a lesson of non-attachment: I was helping out in the bookstore and while I was swiping credit cards, the room where my bag was, got locked (well, it was the secured "locked" room - so this could have been expected). But I learned to let go of getting angry or upset about not having my wallet or shoes , instead I went on an afternoon trip in Penticton without shoes. If I had to pick a place in Canada: BC is probably the safest area in Canada to run around without shoes without being judged as crazy.

Oh, and it was a surprise for Trish, she didn't have a clue about the party! Some of the guests were even hiding in Trish's bedroom to surprise her on her special happy birthday!

Asana practice and lectures in the mornings and pranayama and chanting of the yoga sutras with Abi in the afternoon at the Penticton convention center. Accompanied by big dinners, one gala dinner with music and Geetaji, and a board meeting.

Ingelise, senior Iyengar teacher from West Van surprised Geetaji and the audience with a beautiful voice and thoughtful lyrics.

The leaves were out in BC, the fruit trees blooming, what else could you wish for!

Vrksasana Shelly on tree stump

There is even a beach!

At the gala dinner: the Calgary crew with special guest from BC

Kim, Nimmi, Shelly at dinner

Michelle and Trish