Saturday, May 24, 2008

Asanas for the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)

In her essay "Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life" by Marianne Woods Cirone (click on the picture above to read the entire essay), she lists some asanas that help to balance the chakras.

For me, it is the Solar Plexus, that needs a little stimulation. And to do so, she suggest abdominal strengthening poses like Navasana (boat) and Chataranga (plank). Oh no! Totally my best friends in the realm of asanas (I am being facetious)! Oh well, I will give it try - to get the yellow disc "Manipura" spinning.

Third Chakra (Manipura)
Phalakasana (plank), stomach crunches, belly rolls. To increase fire: risk-taking, eating hot foods, avoiding iced drinks. To decrease fire: limiting spicy foods and caffeine, taking time to relax and meditate.
To enhance the third chakra, abdominal-strengthening poses: surya namaskar (sun salutations), navasana (boat), virabhadrasana (warrior I, II & III), twists. To cool the chakra: restorative, passive backbends.
Kukkutasana (cock balance), viparitakaranichakrasananavasana (reverse, or legs up the wall), (wheel),
Affirmation: If I wish my consciousness to grow, I must feed it, rest it, exercise it.

"I free myself to the power of living my life to the fullest, feeling worthy of all that I receive."

1 comment:

S said...

Thanks for your post! I need to work on my 3rd chakra too, it's "crunch" time :)