Saturday, April 4, 2009


Intense West Stretch

In yoga language, the back is considered west. In Paschimottanasana, the back is stretched intensely.

Sit in Dandasana
- press the legs into the floor
- toes and kneecaps point towards the ceiling
- the torso is straight

to get into Paschimottansasana:
on an inhalation - lift the chest
bend from the hip crease
extend the chest forward toward the feet
get a hold of your toes, the side of your feet, or a strap around your feet
take the elbows out to the side
pull yourself deeper into the pose
relax the back of your neck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everything is new, including your staff, your system, and your method of teaching Yoga. It is up to the Yoga teacher to make of all these components “user friendly.”All of us want to teach our own Yoga classes, but the quality of your teaching should always be the best it can possibly be.

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