Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ear Candling

This afternoon I tried ear candling. It was quite a surprise - my friend Heather got some candles and treated me to a treatment.

Basically I was lying on my side and had my head supported. I also had a blanket between my ankles and knees, which made it even more comfy. Heather cut out a big piece of cardboard with a hole in the middle to pass the ear candle through. The ear candle is hollow, made from beeswax and cotton. Heather sat next to me and cut off the burnt pieces of the candle, as it burnt down slowly. Knowing that Heather was there to ensure I didn't catch on fire made it a very relaxing experience.

We did 2 candles per ear; the theory being the first candle is the warm-up (literally) and the second the end spurt. Hearing the crackling of the flame, feeling the warmth enter my ear and sensing the air moving was all very soothing.

People's opinion on ear candling differ drastically. School medicine and even Health Canada say it's dangerous and should not be undertaken. They report burns and a punctured ear drum. Promoters say it's an ancient way of healing used by the ancient Greeks and Romans and Shamans and some say it can change the energy field of the body.

All I can do is speak from my experience: I neither got a burn or injured my ear drum (but I did have a competent person around). Afterwards I felt relaxed and my head felt clearer. I'd do it again.

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