Thursday, April 10, 2008

Iyengar Yoga Blogs

I have been searching for Iyengar yoga blogs, but currently, the interim mission report would say that it appears that Iyengar yogis and yoginis spend more time on the mat than on blogger or typepad.

But this morning I was successful, when I stumbled upon Brenda Plakan's blog Grounding thru the sit bones. She is a Iyengar yoga practitioner and Yoga Journal contributor. I look forward to following her blog - it looks like a great resource.

1 comment:

Brenda P. said...

Thanks for the shout-out. I've found blogging about yoga has been a great way to deepen my practice, off the mat. Thinking about how to combine and describe poses has made my teaching much clearer and has helped my sequencing. Plus, editing my photos after taking them has improved my alignment a lot.

I hope you find it as useful for your own practice.
