Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have had a crazy week. Lots to do at work, and each evening I have been busy meeting people too. It's good, but I notice how the busy-ness competes with my time for asana practice. Not good for my stress level. ESPECIALLY when life is busy, a regular practice would be so beneficial. But, hey, I am human.

I do try to get Sirsasana (head stand) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) in every day. According to the Iyengars, these two poses are the king and queen of asanas. And I can see why. They definitely do magic.

Just did my five minutes each and I feel MUCH better.

I am in the process of re-learning sirsasana . I had issues, or more specifically neck pain, when I was in sirsasana for an extended time. But I think I found the solution: I was not on my crown, but a little too far on towards my forehead. I was looking down towards the floor, which created a misalignment in my neck. After a few minutes, some of the little muscles in my neck started screaming. Now I adjusted my crown position and I know put my gaze towards the corner between the back wall and the ceiling, in other words slightly up, not towards the floor. It seems to work. My neck was fine! I have gone back against the wall though, as the change in position means that I am a little wobbly, so i stable wall behind helps me to not roll over. I am sure it's just a matter of time until my muscles adjust and I will find my balance and can go back into the middle of the room to do sirsasana.

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